triathlon photo, swim bike run
Triathlon icon: A stylized representation of a swimmer, cyclist, and runner in a circular design.


All distances

Achieve success with expert triathlon coaching and customized training plans for all triathlon distances. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, reach your goals through expert guidance, scientifically-backed methodologies, and dedicated mentorship.

Sprint to Ironman

A man running in the heat
Running icon: A stylized representation of a runner.


All distances

Boost your running performance with specialized coaching and tailored plans for distances from 5Ks to ultramarathons. Whether you’re new or experienced, surpass your goals with skilled guidance, evidence-based techniques, and unwavering encouragement.

5km to Ultramarathon

cyclist riding a time trial bike on morning workout sunset or sunrise in background
Cycling icon: A stylized representation of a cyclist.


All distances

Elevate your cycling skills with expert coaching and personalized plans for any road or time trial race. Whether you’re a novice or seasoned rider, accomplish your goals through expert guidance, data-driven strategies, and steadfast support on your journey.

Time Trial to Grand Fondo

George Svarnas, experienced triathlon coach: A headshot of George Svarnas, a triathlon coach, with a friendly smile
Hello, I am George Svarnas. As an Ironman Certified Coach with years of experience both coaching and competing, I’m here to guide you on your journey to reaching your triathlon and endurance sports goals. I understand the dedication and commitment it takes to excel in these disciplines. I’m passionate about sharing my knowledge and experience to help you achieve your personal best. Together, we’ll create a tailored training plan that fits your lifestyle and aspirations, ensuring that you progress in a healthy and sustainable way. Let’s embark on this exciting journey and unlock your full potential! Welcome to TriEndurance Pro, where our expert triathlon coaching helps athletes of all levels achieve their goals.
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Latest Blog Highlights Expert Tips

The Importance of Rest and Recovery in Triathlon Training

Rest and recovery are just as important as the actual training itself in triathlon. Neglecting proper rest and recovery can lead to overtraining, injuries, and decreased performance. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of rest and recovery in triathlon training and provide some tips on how to incorporate it into your training plan.

The Science of Endurance: How Training Peaks Can Transform Your Performance

ndurance sports require a structured, data-driven approach to training to optimize performance. Training Peaks offers customized training plans, seamless integration, and effective communication to help athletes achieve their goals. Learn more about the science of endurance in this article.

Overcoming Mental Barriers in Endurance Sports: Building a Strong Mindset for Success

Developing a strong mindset is crucial for success in endurance sports. Learn how to overcome mental barriers and build mental toughness through goal setting, pre-race routines, and mindfulness practices.

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